Wednesday 30 May 2012

Evaluation FMP

In my first year of the course I envisaged this point in time and how I thought I might feel. What I saw when I zoomed forward in time was an accomplished graphic designer with all the confidence and knowledge to move on successfully. I would love to say that the later is the case but not everything goes to plan and for me the whole year has been a struggle for a variety of reasons. I don't believe I have ever felt such self doubt and anxiety as I have this year academic year and there have been times where I'v wondered what the point was. My main issue has been the subject itself I have fallen out with it for long periods this year and my this relationship has been somewhat on and off. And that I believe is the true problem with me and graphic design I like it but I don't love it and to be truly successful on the course and industry you have to live and breath it. This for me is the only way to cope with it but for me it is something I pick up and put down all the time, I would love to have a tighter grip but I don't.
If I could do one thing differently this year it would be start working on the first day I believe the structure of the third year can drag the individual into a false sense of security with so much time surrounding only a few deadlines you can think you have more thank you have and before you know it you have made a slow start and this is very much what has happened to myself. It is something of a domino effect a slow start to the first module means you have less time for dissertation this then runs over and that in turn can spill over into the FMP. 
I have made the mistake of underestimating this truth on more than one occasion and this has ultimately made for a difficult finish. However all in all for the time I have spent on the work this module I can honestly say I couldn't have done anymore. I feel I have produced the best work I could have done although I view it with a sense of regret as I know it could have been so much better i simply ran out of time. 
On a positive note I believe I have challenged myself this module I have tackled processes and subject matters that I have previously avoided such as layout and publication. These elements have appeared several times across my five briefs this module and I now feel a lot more confident with each, I believe my work has taken on a more professional look and is a lot more considered than previous years. I have tried to choose subjects that fit into real life places to give my work more substance. 
My briefs are a mixture of self directed subject matters to live briefs. save this face was my own driven project I wanted to create a campaign to save endangered animals and FMP presented the ideal opportunity. Things that went well on this brief were I was able to experiment with image alongside type. On the downside I didn't really fully make a pack that was one thing I wanted to do time was an issue once more. My second and third briefs Haigh Fest and Lucian Freud presented another opportunity to explore my interests and brand real life events. The Freud exhibition was for me a great opportunity to explore layout to its full and I view it as a success. However there are varying levels of success involving the Haigh Fest although the overall promotion was decent the layout in the guide on reflection was a little iffy. The main problem all year for me has been time management and development and I feel this has shown mostly in the last two project the Otley run and Vixen Parlour each have elements within there range that I enjoy however could have ultimately been explored further. In conclusion I have learned a great deal and am optimistic for the future I feel the course and my experience can only open new doors.

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